Monday, May 13, 2013

The Adventure Begins

3 May 2013 Redmond to Bend

Early to bed and early to rise.  This morning I have to go to European Motors and pick up the title for my Rialta then it’s a race against the clock to get to the DMV in Oregon to get permanent tags for the RV.  The temporary tags were issued Wednesday when I bought the RV and expire today.  I just hope the dealer has given me all of the documentation I need to get the tags and title.  I’m nervous.

I’ve got the title so Raven and I are off for Tualatin Oregon for the DMV.  We get there around 1 pm.  I take a number and it looks like it’s going to be a long afternoon.  I’m about 20th to be served.  Luckily a number of people are no shows as they go through the numbers.  Less than a half hour, I make it through the process with no problems, just a few hundred dollars poorer.  Back on the road we head toward Salem on I-5, one of America’s well used interstate parking lots.

At Salem we leave the interstate and head for Bend.  For the first time in months the pressure is gone.  The scenery is beautiful, the highway isn’t worn, the giant evergreens are beautiful, the creeks and rivers are blue and clear, life is wonderful.  Beauty is everywhere. The tranquility and peace I’m feeling is fabulous.  If everyone could have some time in nature maybe we could reduce the dark side of life and find a way to live together in peace.

It’s been a mountain day.  The sky is clear and along I-5 I have great views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Hood. From Salem I pass Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Washington.  All snow caped and beautiful.  As I pass 3,000 ft. we have found the snow line.  It’s been in the 70’s in Oregon for a number of weeks but there is much evidence of winter’s gift.

We stop at Detroit Dam.  Time for a break for both Raven and I.  Families are all along the top of the dam, fishing and having a great time in the beauty and warmth of the afternoon.  One family has success.  The father is working with his daughter to take the fish from the line.  So cute, she’s not sure how she feels about helping.  Walking farther, Raven draws attention.  The children love her and are always anxious to pet her.  She loves the attention.

Detroit Dam
Spillway at the Dam
Raven stretches her legs and then finds lots of attention from the children.

Family fishing at the dam.

Fishing success
Back on the road and heading to Bend there's much to see.  Raven has quite the view. Mt. Washington in the background.  The scenery is beautiful and diverse.  I was surprised to see lava beds and snow.  We hit snow at the 3,000 ft. altitude.
My little navigator
Lava fields

Snow at 3'000 ft.
Recovery from a past forest fire
Mt. Washington
We reach Bend in early evening.  The city is beautiful with large parks running along the Deschutes River.  We drive through the center of town with thoughts of satisfying our hunger.  It's the wrong time at the wrong place with the wrong idea.  There are people everywhere.  We pass that idea and head for the outskirts of the city to look for food and a camp site for the night.  It's been a long day.  We're tired and hungry and ready to call it a day.  First stop we saw advertising food ends up to be a dark bar but not appetizing to fulfill a hungry appetite.  We met a nice couple in the parking lot that asked about the Rialta.  Another chance for Raven to say hello and get some attention.  Finally dinner and a camp site. First day of the trip, success. 

1 comment:

  1. Have a great adventure Kim. What type of camping are you planning to do? If you are using campgrounds have you joined PassPort America? Half price camping for about $50 bucks a year. If you decide to join email me and I will give you my number to use, I get a little savings next year. I also belong to Escapees. Bob
