Monday, May 13, 2013

4 May 2013 Bend to Reno

A good night’s rest and early to rise.  It was the first night in the Rialta.  I slept well but got a bit chilly.  I left several windows and the top vent open during the night.  The temperature must have dropped into the 40’s but I had Raven stretched out against me.  Guess it was a one dog night.  Raven and I did our morning ritual walk then it was pack up and disconnect the RV and scout out breakfast.  I set the GPS for the nearest Starbucks but found a wonderful local hang-out “Pilot Butte Drive In”.  Great food and nice people. 

I met a wonderful and friendly couple, Ken and Linda Hollermon who were seated next to me.  I asked for a recommendation on the day’s activity and they suggested a trip to Mt. Bachelor.  I didn’t intend to listen in on their conversation but it was impossible not to.  Linda was discussing the need they had for some storage containers.  Just happened I finally unpacked most of the things I had brought with me and put them away in the RV.  I offered them the excess containers.  They went with me and visited the Rialta.  Raven was excited and greeted them.  They also had had several miniature schnauzers. 

Our path from Bend to Kalamath Falls OR
Downtown Bend
The Deschutes River running through Bend
A quick drive through Bend and we are off. I'd like to have spent more time here to walk the downtown shops and the beautiful parks but it seemed we should hit the road if we were going to make it to Mount Bachelor and Crater Lake before arriving at Reno before sundown.

Mount Bachelor from a distance
No body on the slopes at Mount Bachelor
We couldn't go past the visitors center.  Road clearing appeared to be at a standstill.
Leaving Mount Bachelor we head for Crater Lake.  I program the GPS for the north entrance and we're on the road again. The scenery has changed and no longer do we have the beautiful Cascades.  We've entered ranch land.
Crater Lake Map
Well, it was a good thought but no entrance to Crater Lake from the north.
We head along the west side of the Lake to the south entrance.
Success, we make it into the park and to the first viewing are.  It's beautiful.

The snowfall at Crater Lake was reported at 440 inches for the area.  It was apparent from all of the snow still on the ground.

Looking to the right.  Even with the lens set at 18mm the angle was not wide enough to capture the entire lake in one view.

A borrowed view from the internet from the air.  Amazing and so beautiful.
Time to head south to Kalamath Falls for a bite of lunch then onward south through northern California and on to Reno.
From Kalamath falls, we're headed south for Reno.
Raven thinking "Are we there yet Dad?"
Late afternoon and we cross from Oregon to California.
The sun sets on California

We made it, the Nevada line.  Only a few more miles to Reno.
It's late.  I stop for dinner and ask about RV sites.  No one seems to know of a site near our destination.  In the back of my mind I remember discussions about Walmart allowing people to stop overnight in their parking lots in their RV's.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  I program Walmart into the GPS and we're off.  I've never been a fan of Walmart but this is something nice that they do.  We arrive.  I walk Raven, pull out the bed and blankets and it's not long before Raven and I are fast asleep.

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