Saturday, May 25, 2013

19 May - Our Rocky Mountain High - The San Juan Skyway

The 19th was a day to stay local and get a feel for the southern Colorado area.  I found a tour suggested by National Geographic called the San Juan Skyway. We left our campground in Mancos and started our morning in Durango to see the steam train from Durango to Silverton off (our previous blog posting).  From Durango, we headed to Silverton, Ouray, Ridgeway, Placerville, Telluride, Rico, Delores, Cortez, and back to Mancos.  It was a beautiful trip just as suggested by National Geographic.

Our route.  We started at point E and went counterclockwise.

The station in Durango

Durango main drag.

After seeing the train off we had to have a quick jolt from Starbucks to get us going then the chase was on with the train to be able to get some run by photos(also in our previous blog).

What a beautiful morning.  It's only 7:30 but it's a beautiful start.
Haviland Lake - our first stop - so fresh and crisp

The beautiful Rockies
Engineer Mountain, San Juan National Forrest - wouldn't you know it would be in the clouds

Spring is just arriving - still a good ice cover on Electra Lake

Raven - enjoying the view
Molas Lake - more ice
Lots of campers and bikers have been here.  I was amazed at the number of bikers I passed along the way.  I can't imagine peddling those mountains.

Arriving in Silverton

Main street in Silverton - all of the side streets are still dirt

Our first encounter with snow - it started just after leaving Silverton - remember the sky was so blue in Silverton.  How quick it changed.
You can tell from this picture, the snow was really coming down.
The Yankee Girl Mine - before 1900 thought to be one of the most valuable mines in the US.  Silver was the riches.  The mine closed in 1898.

On the Million Dollar Highway headed for  Ouray

Ouray Colorado
Box Canyon Falls, Ouray

US Mail Truck - Displayed at the Ridgeway Railroad Museum - "Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick?"
Display at the Ridgeway Railroad Museum

We loved the area so much, we thought we might purchase this "fixer-upper" for a summer home.

The local herd enjoying an afternoon snack.

The view from downtown Telluride

A closer view of the waterfall in the mountains.  Amazing beauty

Downtown Telluride.  I had a wonderful Mexican meal for lunch.
Headed back to the campground we see signs of a time gone bye. 
Hope you enjoyed this segment of our trip.  We sure did.  Thanks for following us.  Take care and hope to see you soon, that is, those of you in the east.  Our love to all of you.

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