Thursday, May 16, 2013

5 May Reno to Las Vegas

It was 4 am and something strange happened.  Oh, I recognize that sound.  First it sounded like hale but it was just heavy rain.  The first of the trip.  Guess I'm awake so rather than fight to get back to sleep I decide to head out for Las Vegas.  It will give us an arrival time of about noon.  Just in time for lunch with Kris and Tom.  Since we spent the night at Walmart there wasn't much to do to get ready, strip the bed and put the blanket and pillows away.  We head for McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin, OJ, and hash browns (what a healthy breakfast) but it is only 4 am with not much open.

Reno to Las Vegas
On The Road in Nevada
Daylight has arrived and we're cruising through the Nevada desert.  At least there are mountains to enjoy along the way but there is lots of scenery like the photo above. Just past the halfway point we enter the town of Goldfield NV, a town that looks like it's on the way to becoming a ghost town, population just under 250.  From the turn of the century through 1940 it was a boom town with the gold mines producing almost $90 million in gold. 

These photos are not mine.  We didn't stop, just drove slowly and enjoyed the views.  I'd like to go back sometime and explore.  It brings back memories of Debby.  We loved to explore old ghost towns throughout the southwest.
More desert. I try to call Kris to let her know when I might arrive but the cell phone signal strength isn't good so I keep driving.
My faithful travel companion
We find civilization and I'm able to call Kris.  They offer to wait for lunch.  It's a good thing as it's been quite sometime since breakfast (4am was a long time ago).
We made it.  Nice to be out of the RV for a while.

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