Thursday, May 16, 2013

Las Vegas NV at the Montgomery homestead.

We arrived on the afternoon of the 5th and as always were welcomed with lots of love, food, entertainment, good wine, and just a good time with Kris and Tom.  They always make me feel right at home.  I'm just a bit worried that they may try to hide Raven from me as I leave.  She seems to have adopted them as a second set of parents.  I won't have to worry too much though as I'll be taking Kris and Tom to the airport for their vacation and house hunting trip to Florida.

The Montgomery Homestead front and rear. 

Time to finally decompress.  Nothing pressing, no highways, just relax and enjoy family.  As always the food is wonderful.  I had my Netflix selections forwarded so in the evenings we shared a movie.  Some were great like Silver Linings Playbook and others not so great like The Master, The Guilt Trip and The Oranges but we were together and enjoying the company.  Raven would snuggle up between Kris and Tom.

Raven snuggled under Kris's arm in the morning

It was an expensive visit.  I've had a lost filling and finally got around to visiting the dentist.  It ended up being a root canal and a crown.  Also, during the trip I found the cruise control to be intermittent.
A trip to the VW dealer and I'm $1,500 poorer but at least my leg won't have to get sore from holding the accelerator down for hours at a time.  Problems resolved, that's always a good thing.

Kris is quite the artist in almost any medium she works in.  Here's some of her work:

Some of her work displayed in her art room.

Bee and dragon fly.

Birds nest pendant

Western bracelet

Cowboy pendant

Enameled beaded necklace

Key to her heart pendant




Kris is also great at home decorating.  Here's a few shots:

Barbed wire cross by Tom

Family portraits of the west (at least on horses or with an indian)

More western motif

Wall hanging

Above the fireplace
It's Saturday and Kris is off shopping for shoes.  Tom offers to take me shooting pellet rifles.  I haven't shot for years.  We head off to the Desert Sportsmans Rifle and Pistol Club.  It was lots of fun. Tom set up the targets and from there we began.  The rifles were equipped with optical sites.  We began and were all over the place.  As time went on we were able to adjust the sites so we both eventually hit the center of the target.  Another beautiful day and lot's of fun.
A view of the range
Weekends are also filled with other exercise events at the Montgomery's.  There's the 9 hole golf course on the Wii including a stop for a drink from the club house half way through. It was a good thing for me that there was no money riding on the game.
Golf on the Wii
We also tried our hand at a couple games of bowling.  Lot's of fun.

Looks like a strike
This past Sunday Tom and Kris suggested a hike to view Mary Jane Falls at Charleston Peake.  Little did we know that it was a 1.2 mile hike (not bad) and a gain of 1,400 ft in elevation (a killer for an old man way out of shape).  It was a beautiful day and a great hike.  Raven kept up with us all the way.
Folk music and

poker and pizza for lunch.
And we're off
The trail map

The view from the beginning

Another view

And yet another.  The scenery was beautiful

Raven and I take a break
Lot's of photos to take
On the way up

Near the top
Not much of a falls and the snow is almost gone but a great hike

The last of the snow pack

Kris and Tom, we made it to the falls
The falls.  Not much water coming down now.  The remaining ice pack almost gone.


Well, all good things must come to an end.  Tomorrow is the day we go our separate ways.  I'm off to Lake Powell in Arizona and then Mesa Verde and Durango in Colorado.  Kris and Tom are off to Florida for some R&R and house hunting for a post retirement life. Before we go though, Tom is stopping by that wonderful soul food restaurant I mentioned.  One more meal of their wonderful Smothered Chicken and fried okra for me.  So yummy.
Tonight's dinner

Thank you Kris and Tom for a wonderful visit.  I love you both and have really enjoyed the visit.  Until the next time, have a wonderful and safe trip and good luck for you search for your next home.  You know if you keep moving, I'll still find you.

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