Saturday, May 25, 2013

20 May - Mancos Colorado to Santa Fe New Mexico

Well, we certainly enjoyed our Rocky Mountain High, now it's off to the south to Santa Fe and Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico. As luck would have it, we have to pass through Durango, and there is a Starbucks there.

 I checked the GPS for any nearby activities as we leave Colorado and I find Aztec Ruins National Monument.  We have all the time in the world so we (yes Raven helps choose the route, after all she does set in the navigators seat) decided to give it a try.

Some of the local wild life, out for their morning stroll.

The sign say's it all.

From the late 1000's to 1200's ancestral Pueblo people at Aztec planned and built this amazing settlement.  The settlement was abandoned in the late 1200's.
This is a model of the community in it's final state.  Note the large circular structure. This was the Great Kiva used for ceremonial or political gatherings.
When facing the community from the front, the outside left wall was aligned with the summer solstice.
One of many rooms for communal work

The doorways were aligned from room to room to room.
By the time construction stopped there were over 500 rooms.

Some structures were as much as three stories high.
Note, there were numerous kiva's throughout the community

Looking down into a kiva.  Entrance into a kiva would be via a ladder through an opening in the roof.

Inside of the reconstructed Great Kiva.
More beautiful New Mexico scenery
And yet some more.  So far, except for that bit of snow and a few drops of rain, the weather has been amazing.

Looks like another homestead to consider.  We think we'll pass on this one, even though the one in Colorado may need more work, New Mexico is much hotter than Colorado.
Lucky us, we find another live steam railroad.  The Cumbers & Toltec Scenic Railroad in Chama, New Mexico.
Chama, New Mexico station
Fired and ready for service
Water.  I was told they were servicing an engine and when finished they forgot to raise the spout and ripped it off  Repairs have been made and the water tower is back in service.

 Water and coal and a fire and we're ready to go.
Brass bells are beautiful
In need of tender loving care.
Coal in the tender.  Ready to go?

Still in service and ready to go if the need arises.
What a great afternoon.  I had forgotten.  Debby and I had visited this location on our last road trip.  Sweet and sad memories.  God, I miss her.
On the road again, headed for Santa Fe.
So ends another day of this grand adventure across the U.S..  Thanks again for following along.  Until next time.


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