Monday, May 20, 2013

17 May - Las Vegas NV to Lake Powell AZ

Well, the time has finally come to move on.  Kris and Tom are headed to Florida for a well deserved rest and the opportunity to consider where they may relocate after Tom retires. The morning is hectic, packing the RV, getting gas and supplies, shuttling the Montgomery's to the airport, and around mid day heading out.

It's been a wonderful visit with Tom and Kris.  They've made me right at home. Plenty of good conversation, good food and wine, fun activities, sharing memories, and exploring our respective futures.

Today's objective is to camp at Lake Powell Arizona for the night.  I've decided to break the travel days into segments of about 250 miles.  This allows for stops along the way to see sights and isn't a break neck speed.  Anyway, I can take as much time as I choose as long as I make Brunswick MD by the 22nd of June for the Brunswick High School 60's reunion.  I'm hoping to see lots of old friends, many of which I haven't seen for 49 years (I can't believe it's been that long).

Las Vegas to Lake Powell
It's been warm in Las Vegas, as high as 102 degrees.  I'm not fond of hot weather so I'm looking forward to somewhat cooler weather over the next two weeks.  As I head east the elevations increase so I'm sure cool is in the near future.  The area east and north east from Las Vegas is among the most beautiful scenery anywhere in the world.  The Grand Canyon in Arizona and Zion, Brice, Canyonlands, and Arches National Parks in Utah.  If you've never been, you owe it to yourself to make the trip some day. 
I'm not going to ramble too much on this segment of the trip.  No words that I can come up with can do justice to the beauty of the scenery.
The view as you leave Las Vegas

Heading toward Arizona for the first time
You'll note from the map that the route crosses and recrosses state boundaries several times, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Arizona, Utah, and finally Arizona again.  I wonder what was behind the design of the route? 
I made it to Arizona for the first time today.

Entering the Virgin River Gorge

Still in the gorge

And one more view in the gorge

The first visit to Utah today

A stop at Cracker Barrel is a real treat for me as there are none in Washington State or Oregon.  One of my all time favorite meats is country ham.  There is no such thing as country ham that I have found in the Pacific Northwest.  I always get my son Keith to bring a half dozen packages each time he visits.

Thank you St. George Utah

So here it is, fried country ham, dumplings, fried apples, and sweet tea. 
Until McDonalds recently started offering sweet tea it was also something I never came across in the west. This is a meal that my Grandmother Myers blessed me with quite often.  I can say, I've never come close to tiring of it.  When I visit Cracker Barrel, I also get a country ham sandwich for the road.  It may be a very long time before I can have it again.
Fredonia as you leave Arizona for the second time to return to Utah

Kanab, Utah - known as "Little Hollywood" among the shows filmed there were The Lone Ranger, Gunsmoke, Daniel Boone, El Dorado, Planet of the Apes, The Outlaw of Josey Wales

An amazingly beautiful area of almost 2 million acres.  Here are just a few of the amazing sights:


It's evening and we finally make it to Lake Powell and set up camp for the night.

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