Monday, August 26, 2013

17 - 20 August Harpers Ferry to Varysburg New York via Washington Pennsylvania

After a wonderful morning in Harpers Ferry, Raven and I hit the road to visit Jason and Emily (my niece, Kathy's daughter) Buri.  Emily met me in the driveway.  First order of business was a meet and greet between Raven and Emily's pet family.  All went well, a little shyness between some to start but everyone got along.

Like a lot of my visits this summer, Emily and I were soon off to get something to eat.  I managed to loose 20 pounds between Seattle and Kentucky but ever since I've been eating my way from visit to visit with my friends and family.  I did manage to get in lots of Maryland crab cakes and lots of country ham.  Seems like most of you share my love of ice cream.  I think I've gained all of the 20 pounds back.  Emily introduced me to the most delicious chocolate cake with a peanut butter icing.  So yummy.

From an early dinner it was an evening to the local KOA and a rest from the drive.

Next morning was more food, a delicious breakfast at Cracker Barrel, more food, more calories and a great conversation and time with both Emily and Jason.  I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful family members.

Emily, Kim (looks like I just got out of bed), and Raven.  Note, we're next to an ambulance.  Guess they were afraid I might have eaten too much.
To soon it was back on the road, off to Varysburg New York to see Bob and Bonnie Jae.  We've been in touch over the last several years but hadn't seen each other since I left the U.S.S. Guadalcanal, LPH7 in Athens Greece in May of 1972.  Bob and I served together on the Guadalcanal for several years.  As I left Bob was in charge of the Electronics Shop Radar Team and I was in charge of the Electronics Shop Communications Team.
Periodically I check the GPS to see what kind of attractions may be in the area.  Guess by now you all know I have a love of the steam era of our great American railroads.  Greenville Pennsylvania has a small railroad museum.  Beautiful day, steam locomotive, what more could a guy ask for?
Greenville Railroad Park - a great place to stretch my legs
Union Pacific's 304 - built by Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1936
The fireman's view

The engineer's view inside

UP304 looking forward from the right side
It was time to feed the RV and myself so I stopped in East Aurora New York.  Who knew, Millard Fillmore, the 13th President of the US, had lived in East Aurora.
Millard Fillmore's home in East Aurora New York
We arrive for our reservation at Dream Lake KOA campgrounds at Warsaw New York. 
It's been a long day.  Raven and I settle in for the evening, looking forward to our visit with Bob and Bonnie tomorrow.  After a good night's sleep, we're off just down the road to Varysburg.  Bob is home and Bonnie is out running errands.  Bob and I spend the morning catching up on what life has been like for each of us over the last forty years.  Bonnie returns and Bob grills some great burgers.
After lunch Raven snuggles close to Bonnie for the afternoon.  We spend some very pleasant time with Bonnie describing the photo's from her mission work in Africa.  What an amazing experience.  Bob had mentioned that he had been elected a town Judge for Sheldon in Wyoming County New York.  He's invited me to visit his courtroom.  It was an interesting experience watching him preside over several cases.  The sun is setting so it's back to the campground to settle in for the evening.
The next morning it's back to the Jae's for the morning.  Bob takes me on a tour of the local area. The first site are the wind mills dotting the countryside.
First stop was at a local farm where they produce wonderful New York State Maple Syrup.  We are given samples of maple candy, yummy.  Next stop the church where Bob and Bonnie were married.  I was honored by being invited to stand for Bob.
We passed Attica State Prison, site of the riots on 21 August 1971. Approximately 2,200 inmates took 42 of the staff hostage.  It took four days to negotiate a resolution.  Of the 39 persons killed, at least 10 were staff and civilians.
From Attica to lunch and then back to the Jae's.  The time had passed too quickly but it was time to hit the road.  After saying goodbye, Raven and I hit the road for Columbus Ohio.

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